
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Your Ellis Island Ancestors: Easy and Free to Search for

You may have heard that your ancestor passed through Ellis Island, and you may know that  there are records of immigration. What you may not know is how very easy it is to access information about the immigration and to even see the ship records where the ancestor is listed as a passanger. Not only can you find the name of the ship and the departure location, but you may find additional information as well. This can include the ultimate destination of the ancestor, the occupation, a name of a contact in the home country, and might even show other family members who travelled at the same time. The Ellis Island Foundation has an excellent online repository of records. It is just a gold mine of good, detailed, readable, and accurate information. You can sign up for free access, and then you can search for your ancestors for free.
Once you have tried it, let me know what you found!
Here is the link to the home page:
Happy Hunting!

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