
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Google News Archive--a good resource for really old news

Google News Archive, a historic newspaper project,  was a great resource for records in the form of news articles. One of the topics dealt with at Genealogy in Time is the “Death of the Google News Archive.” That was sad news to hear, that the archives project had not been continued, but the good news is that many of the original articles that were archived are still accessible. The articles that were already digitized can still be accessed at: I immediately entered a name for an ancestor I knew had appeared in old news articles: Edward Salisbury of Rhode Island and New York. I knew the story of his powder horn, how it had been carved, and saved, and how it had taken the force of a bullet in the 1758 so that he had miraculously not been killed, had been in the newspapers. The powder horn, really one of the earliest to ever be carved, still exists. I found two wonderful articles on Edward Salisbury, the battles he fought in,  and the powder horn immediately.

So, thanks to Genealogy in Time, I know that the digitization project was dropped, but I also know that some valuable articles are still there for the reading.
If you want to check out their blog, see

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