
Friday, February 21, 2014

Triangulation of chromosome segments--Amazing new feature at

This is a very useful feature, and one that will really save time when trying to understand how your match matches you and others by chromosome segments. It is very simple--all you have to enter on the utility is your kit number. Your closest matches for each chromosome appear, and the matching segments are color coded to indicate where you match, where matches match each other and not you, and best of all, where there is a three-way match, where two matches match each other AND you. As noted on the utility: "This indicates ancestry." What an amazing utility to work with. This is exactly what autosomal DNA testing is all about. You don't have to break your brain seeking out segments, measuring them, and comparing them to potential matches. It is done for you in a flash.
Even better--while the comparisons show the kit numbers which match you, all you have to do to find out who the person (or pseudonym) is behind the match is to hover your cursor over the
number. has taken an important step towards the future. Imagine a time when we will be finding matches with little effort, and that means extending our family trees with certainty. Slowly but surely we are getting closer to that experience.

Genealogy Researchers can find tiny cemeteries with google maps

It's one thing for locals to give directions to a cemetery (whether online or in person) and often quite another thing for far-away visitors to find the gravestones. If you plan to visit a tiny cemetery  out in the rural countryside in an area you are unfamiliar with, you will probably want to be armed with more than a street map.  As I learned, street names are not always the same on a sign as they are designated on a map. Some roads seem to have no names. Some arrows point in nebulous directions.

You will want to avoid the long and often circular drives with all passengers peering out the windows for sights of a little cemetery. To be sure that you can find the place, plan ahead with the new google maps. You can locate the general area of the cemetery via the maps, by using the information you have at hand and and then can use the google earth feature to  get a bird's eye view and plan just how you will get there and where you can park your car. Yes, you can actual see the headstones--not close enough to read, but close enough to see where they are.

See this example of Bishop Cemetery in rural Henderson, New York: Bishop Cemetery.
I was able to find this cemetery before there were google maps, but only with great difficulty.

You can also use the google maps views to see where the cemetery was for purposes of comparing it to where old farms, roads, and structures once stood.

A new plus on the new google maps is an easy-to-use coordinates feature. You click on the part of the map view that interests you, and the coordinates appear just under the left side search box.